Suggestions and Complaints

Suggestions and Complaints

In compliance with Article 3.2 of Royal Decree 1671/2009, of November 6th, partially regulating Law 11/2007, of June 22nd, on Citizens’ Electronic Access to Public Services, these are the mechanisms available for the filing of suggestions and complaints:

1.    The mechanisms available for the filing of suggestions and complaints related to the contents, management, or services provided in this office are:

   a)    Personal filing or filing by regular mail before the Department Register, addressed to the relevant body, following the procedures stipulated by Article 15 of Royal Decree 951/2005, of July 29th, on the General Framework for Quality Improvement in the General Public Administration.
   b)    Electronic filing through the electronic office, whose reference URL is

2.    The electronic assistance for correct use service of the electronic office shall not be considered a valid channel for suggestion or complaint filing, although this does not preclude its obligation to deal with citizens’ problems.