Fee 062

Fee 062


Fee 062:  Issue of work permits and other authorisations to foreign citizens.


Issue of work permits and other authorisations to foreign citizens.


General Directorate for the Coordination and Administration of Peripheral Services


The Ministry lets you pay fee 062 by one of two ways:

  • Pay and send the form via internet:

    Go to form 790, Payment and Electronic Registration of Fee 062: Issue of work permits and other authorisations to foreign citizens. Select the province where you wish to present payment of the fee.Pay the fee online by clicking on the “Make Payment” button on the form and then following the steps indicated on the AEAT payment gateway. Careful!: To complete the process, you must complete the following steps:Complete the Electronic Registration of the Fee by filling out as needed the relevant data on the online form and clicking on the “Sign and Send” button.Download and print the receipt sent to you by the online registry. Complete all other procedures associated with the fee.You may check the status of your payment and online registration of the fee by clicking on the tab “My Proceedings.”

  • Complete and print the fee payment form:

    Go to the form for fee 062: Issue of work permits and other authorisations to foreign citizens.Choose the province where you wish to present payment of the fee. Obtain the PDF document by clicking on “Obtain Document” on the form and print all of its pages.Pay the amount due at any Collaborating Financial Entity.  Present the document at the appropriate office.


To use this service, the Web navigator on your computer MUST meet the technical requirements and you must be in possession of an Electronic DNI (National Identity Number) or any other recognized Digital Certificate. Additionally, the NIF/CIF (Tax Identification Number) of the certificate and of the holder of the bank account used to pay the fee online must be the same.